We welcome families with children in First grade and beyond to begin preparation!
In the Diocese of Raleigh, preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist can begin in first grade. Celebration of First Reconciliation is a pre-requisite for the celebration of First Communion. Following completion of preparation, the celebration of First Communion takes place sometime after Easter.
Sacrament preparation consists of two CONSECUTIVE years of formation in one of our three models for Faith Formation (including Catholic school).
In the first year of preparation, children will participate in faith formation at a parish or be enrolled in a Catholic school.
In the second year of preparation, children will participate in faith formation at a parish or be enrolled in a Catholic school AND also participate in preparation specific to First Reconciliation and First Communion. Second year preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion involves the parents as well as the child.
Note for families at a Catholic school
If you're an adult who hasn't celebrated First Communion, please visit our OCIA page.
Registration for Sacrament Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion is closed for 2024-2025.
All second year families wishing to prepare for and celebrate First Eucharist in 2025 MUST have registered by September 8 or they were deferred to the following year of preparation.
Attendance at all of the First Reconciliation and First Eucharist events in the calendar below is mandatory. Click More Events to see the complete calendar of events. More information on all of the events will be provided at the respective First Reconciliation and First Communion mandatory parent information meetings.
Click More Events above to see the full schedule.