The Lead Catechist is the most integral part of the Sunday gathering. They connect with the children, both socially and spiritually, and plan lessons for each of the 20-25 Sundays of instruction. There are twelve (12) Lead Catechists (6 English-speakers and 6 Spanish or bilingual speakers). Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
The Assistant Catechist is equally important to the smooth operation of Sunday Faith Formation. Assistant Catechists commit to supporting the Lead Catechist through classroom set-up and take-down, attendance taking, classroom management, and releasing children at dismissal. They also understand that they will occasionally serve as Lead Catechist, to cover absences. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
The Sunday Security Team Members are responsible for ensuring that our campus is a safe environment for children, teens, and adult volunteers. Equipped with walkie-talkies, each team member is responsible for surveying one of three buildings. The team members are supervised by the Team Lead. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
Movers and shakers are the folks who commit to setting up and taking down the tables and chairs necessary for large group events scheduled throughout the year. Volunteers in this role are able to lift chairs above their heads, manipulate tables weighing up to 20 pounds, and work on their feet for a minimum of one hour per shift. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
The Retreat Volunteer is essential to the fruitful implementation of sacrament preparation retreats. The Retreat Volunteer commits to assisting with one of three retreats throughout the year. Involvement requires a pre-retreat training session, and commitment to serving at the retreat. Retreats are offered on either Saturday or Sunday, and vary in length from 3 to 7 hours, depending on the age-group served. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
The On-Call Assistant Catechist commits to report to campus each Sunday of Faith Formation. On those Sundays when an Assistant Catechist has an emergency absence, the On-Call Catechist will step in and serve in this capacity. On those Sundays when the On-Call Catechist is not required, s/he will be released by 2:45 p.m. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
The Sunday Site Supervisor is assigned to the school building. This volunteer arrives at 1:30 p.m. to open up classrooms and the faith formation closet, turn on lights, place Catechists’ folders’ in classrooms, and staff the lobby to welcome Catechists to campus. The Sunday Site Supervisor serves as a liaison between the parents and the Office of Faith Formation, answering questions and giving directions as necessary. The Sunday Site Supervisor understands that this role requires presence on campus until 4:00 p.m., unless released sooner by the Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
Due to the generous response of our parishioners, all of the positions for this role have been filled. We appreciate your interest in sharing your time and talents with our Faith Formation program and invite you to consider one of the roles above.
The Family Groups Liaison is ideally a member of a Family Group. This volunteer serves as the liaison between Family Groups and the Office of Children’s Faith Formation. Responsibilities include biannual scheduling of large Family Groups gatherings, offering advice and encouragement to new Family Group participants, and advocating for this faith formation option at our parish. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
The Tech Titan is comfortable around computers, laptops, smartscreens, and whatever other technology devices are being created as this position description is being crafted. The Tech Titan commits to serving in one of two capacities: 1) being on hand to assist with Sunday tech challenges of Catechists and CORE Team members OR 2) being on hand to assist with potential tech challenges at retreats and family events scheduled on weeknights and Saturdayas throughout the year. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
Due to the generous response of our parishioners, all of the positions for this role have been filled. We appreciate your interest in sharing your time and talents with our Faith Formation program and invite you to consider one of the roles above.
The Office Assiistant role is flexible, in that this volunteer chooses the day (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday), the time, and the frequency of volunteering. Work includes updating spreacsheets, scanning and uploading documents, creating certificates, cut and paste translation projects, and various ad hoc projects throughout the year. Depending on the frequency, the Office Volunteer will serve for 2-8 hours per month.
Due to the generous response of our parishioners, all of the positions for this role have been filled. We appreciate your interest in sharing your time and talents with our Faith Formation program and invite you to consider one of the roles above.
The Supplies Purchaser & Transporter is responsible for buying snacks, water, and other supplies needed for Faith Formation & Youth Ministry (with church funds). This role requires a monthly commitment, but is flexible as to day of week.